As a child, I dreamed of becoming a professional soccer player.

Captain of my team at the Stade de Reims, representative of my high school junior class, preoccupied by the problems of my parent’s small champagne-production business…

A brain tumor lays to waste all my plans shortly before I turn 15.

I leave my humble village and boarding school for Paris and a specialized institute for visually impaired. After two years I ask to return to my high school in Reims to graduate.

I am not yet fully aware of what is happening, but I’m already becoming the captain of my own destiny and no longer a mere victim of circumstance.

At the same time, my brother’s drug and alcohol addiction invites me to look beyond appearances and try to understand what is inconceivable to some people.

Allegedly, my brother had “every reason to be happy,” so how could he descend into this addiction? I try, not without difficulty, to see him as the whole person he is with precious skills, and not reduce him to “an addict”—most of people perceiving him as marginal and delinquent.

People, sometimes even those closest to me, tell me, “You didn’t choose what happened to you, while your brother did.” I wonder, though, deep down, is it really possible to pigeonhole our difficulties? Why try to classify our hardships and catalogue people—lock them up in boxes?

Traveling down the classic road of grief and resilience (denial, aggressiveness, valley of tears, acceptance), I gradually discover my entrepreneurial core.

My experience and life challenges make me aware at an early age that a single decision can change  your life forever.

Then, emboldened by a marketing teacher in the United States who considers mistakes integral to learning, and an entrepreneurship course at ESSEC in Paris, I started my first business at 23, (Visual Friendly: 15 employees), followed five years later by my second (Easylife Consulting).

In 2010, my business partner Guillaume Buffet and I created a production company, I Can’t Believe My Eyes (French acronym JCPMY) to produce 75 episodes of a web series that presented a humorous take on diversity in the workplace. The series was broadcast on French network W9, as well as getting over 2 million viewers on the Web.

Subsequently, Guillaume and I documented our training and eventual ascent of Mont Ventoux on a tandem bike, recreating one of the most challenging cycling feats of the Tour de France. This resulted in the half-hour film “Tandem Conquest.”

My own family story led me to produce the feature-length “Every Reason to Be Happy?” documentary. On a quest to uncover the effects addiction has on siblings, I set out to find other brothers and sisters of addicts willing to share their experiences with me. From Paris to New York to Barcelona, I discover the empathy they all have in common, as they strive to protect their own children and the next generation from this scourge…

My passion?

Teamwork and optimizing individuals’ talents to make the team the best it can be.

What I’m obsessed with?

Never let a situation fester. In my opinion, our difficulties arise above all from our lack of judgement and not making decisions.


I welcome it and use it rather than shun it… exactly like when six months after the creation of my first company, my neurologist tells me my tumour has grown back and it will have to be treated within six months…

Smack in the middle of a €2 million fundraising campaign, what do we do and say? To whom? How do we not crush the initiative and continue to manage the company?

What makes me original?

An unconventional outlook opens up leads and detects opportunities where no one else may see them. A certain propensity to “find something positive in the negative”as my mother used to advise before dying on Christmas Eve in 2005.

As an entrepreneur and a graduate of Science-Po and the ESSEC business school, I am a man of commitment and action. I and Xavier Monmarché created a course at Science-Po called “Être entrepreneur aujourd’hui” (Today’s Entrepreneur). In 2014, I became treasurer of the think tank Renaissance Numérique (Digital Renaissance), rallying key academics and leaders of the French Internet to reflect on the transformation of society in the digital era.

Co-author with Patrick Blanchet of the book Entreprendre avec sa différence (The Uncommon Entrepreneur), I now give conferences professionally.

In my conferences, I share my life’s most meaningful teachings and highlight thoughtfully how others can apply them in their own daily life and work.

I invite my audiences to become more conscious by cultivating

the values —respect, commitment, listening, intuition— that lead to effective action, and to realize that each of us possesses a precious asset: the power

to make decisions.

I offer a fresh, unique and spontaneous perspective on collective and personal behaviors in business and how to transform them to improve efficiency.

My career path exemplifies that “alone we may go faster, but together we go higher!”


« The Uncommon Entrepreneur »
(June 2006, Jérôme Adam & Patrick Blanchet, editions DFR)

Couverture du livre « Entreprendre avec sa différence »

Illustration début de citation - Jérôme Adam - Conférencier Entrepreneur
“Being an entrepreneur means tackling situations—enterprising to overcome, to act and implement a project. It’s not limited to the creation of companies; entrepreneurship is a way of being, a true culture. It means being committed, taking risks and believing in the future.”
Illustration fin de citation - Jérôme Adam - Conférencier Entrepreneur

Jérôme Adam and Patrick Blanchet



Regardless of our level, we can act. Remember: small streams become wide rivers.
And like my mother always said, “You can’t take it with you when you go.”


Discover the personal side of Jérôme Adam:

Filming of the “Every reason to be happy?” documentary.

Filming Locations: Paris, New York, Barcelona, Reims, Bordeaux, Champagne, Normandy, Catalonia.

Started writing a book on the relationship with my brother.

Start of a collaboration with Talents Inside to professionalize my conference activities and synchronize optimally with my career path and the messages I wish to share.

The ascent of Mont Ventoux (French mountain) on a tandem bicycle with Guillaume Buffet—a six-month adventure recounted in the documentary Tandem Conquest directed by Henri Poulain. Watch the documentary.

Began writing the original script Every Reason to Be Happy for cinema and television, based on my life story… followed by the co-writing of several screenplays.

Created the JCPMY Company (I Can’t Believe My Eyes) with Guillaume Buffet, and launched the first Web series dedicated to diversity and handicap. Watch the Web series.

Our daughter Chloe is born on 10/10/10, a nice wink to her dad who loves soccer. A future fan of the Stade de Reims soccer team like her parents? 😉

Mariage de Corinne et Jérome - Jérôme Adam - Conférencier EntrepreneurMarriage with Corinne. Rather than a long speech in which I would praise the qualities of Corinne, discover us outside the town hall in this picture, which reveals the next key date…

Death of Cedric, my brother; an intelligent man of great sensitivity, genuine kindness and generosity. Death following a brain hemorrhage of uncertain origin (all medical tests, detection of illicit substances and alcohol being negative). If Cedric had trouble finding his place in our society, our relationship and his (short) life remain rich in many lessons for me.

Read the eulogy that I wrote for him at his funeral to invite everyone to reflect on our differences.

Association with Florence Daumas to develop Easymetro’s ”The Subway Map that Speaks to You” (winner of the Concours Lépine, 2009).

Release of the book The Uncommon Entrepreneur co-written with Patrick Blanchet (winner of best picks award on entrepreneurship, Advancia-CCIP, 2007).

Death of my mother, an exceptional woman; full of values, generosity and uncommon courage. And that’s the least I can say to pay tribute here!

Creation of Easylife Consulting. Offering assistance to businesses in the development of adaptability solutions to simplify daily life with accessibility to all. Originally, the observation that disability is a source of useful innovations to all on the example of the remote control invented for quadriplegic people.

Creation at Sciences-Po with Xavier Monmarché of the course “Today’s Entrepreneur.

Creation with three partners of the Visual Friendly Company, a software editor (15 people) specialized in usability and accessibility of new technologies.

Visual Friendly is a pioneer in the field of web accessibility, which has become a legal obligation in France since the Act of February 11, 2005.

Studies at the AB Freeman School of Business (MBA from Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA).

Initiation to various water activities including kneeboard, wakeboard, barefoot…

Important and essential for me to mix business with pleasure during such stay.

The business aspect of it was above all the independent study on the “Visual Friendly” concept.

Studies at the ESSEC Business School, Specialization in Sales and Marketing Strategy.

ESSEC was the opportunity to complete my original training course… And to discover more about student life through the many associations, the evenings as “The Night of the ESSEC”, “The hottest night” etc…

France champion handisport in 100 and 200 meters sprint category B1 (B as Blind in English or «Bigleux» (squinte) in French…).

Fortunately Aladji Ba, club teammate and best buddy, was not yet naturalized French. If not I would have finished on the podium in second place.

Studies at Sciences-Po Paris. Specialization in Communication and HR or CRH (in French) as «Cafe, Restaurant, Hotel» as said by some fellows “Science-Pipo“.

Obtained a baccalaureate in my high school home of Reims.

Transition through the National Institute for Young Blind (Paris) to continue my education and learn Braille, computer, how to get around independently… “Be careful, white cane in sight!”

Loss of vision after a brain tumor and first experimentation with water skiing.

Commencement of high school at the Sacred Heart of Reims… Including almost as many students as people in my hometown where I did my primary school and lived previously.

First tackles, strikes, misses and goals in the training center of the Stade de Reims soccer team.

Born in Reims on the Labor Day… Ironic for a mother and a future boss!