To share goals and reconcile people’s diverse motivations, foster team spirit, connect, go beyond assumptions and appearances, have fun… all these key elements of a successful enterprise can also be found in the Color Run. This event draws its inspiration from Holi, the Hindu celebration during which participants dress in white and pitch colorful pigments at each other to celebrate the spring equinox. This version will take place on the autumnal equinox, September 22, 2018, and consists of a 5k run along the streets of Châlons and its monuments (the National Centre for Circus Arts, the cathedral, etc.), and, of course, through strategic locations where participants will be sprayed with pigments.
More than just a fun time for all, the run is an educational adventure, with over 200 high school students participating! Finding partners, hosting the event, creating an Internet presence, securing the route, creating the trophy for the enterprise with the most participating employees, managing the VIP areas—so many talents at work and so many learning opportunities. Following last year’s edition, several students were hired on the spot—a wonderful show of support and a motivation for organizers to continue the adventure, including the Regional University Sports Committee of Champagne-Ardenne.
Simply delighted to pull on my sneakers and partner the event again!
To find out more about the Color Run, watch the teaser and register (individuals, organizations and businesses).